

(920) 306-6531

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Gingivitis is a common form of gum disease that causes redness, swelling, bleeding and tenderness of the gums. However, it is reversible with proper treatment. If not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, gingivitis can progress into periodontal disease which often leads to permanent bone loss and possible tooth loss.

The most common cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene. Plaque is an invisible film that forms on your teeth, tongue and gums. After 24 hours of not brushing, plaque with over 100,000 bacteria in it begins to harden into calculus (tartar). The calculus becomes hard and cannot be removed at home by simply brushing and flossing. Only a dental professional can remove the calculus with special instruments.

Keeping up with good oral hygiene and coming in for regular dental appointments at Fox Run Dental can help prevent gingivitis and further developed periodontal disease. 

Common Risk Factors for Gingivitis or Periodontal Disease

  • Decreased immunity as a result of leukemia, HIV/AIDS or other conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Dry mouth
  • Hormonal changes such as pregnancy, menstrual cycle or birth control
  • Medications
  • Older age
  • Poor nutrition
  • Poor oral hygiene habits
  • Tobacco/substance use
  • Viral and fungal infections

Periodontal Disease

Untreated gingivitis can progress into periodontal disease. The bone around the teeth breaks down, causing tooth mobility and sensitivity. Bone loss is permanent and can eventually lead to tooth loss if left untreated. Lost teeth can affect your speech, chewing abilities and overall health.

Additionally, periodontal disease can be associated with heart disease, stroke, lung disease, arthritis and premature births.

Treatment for periodontal disease often includes an immediate hygiene follow-up of therapeutic ultrasonic scaling, irrigation of medicament to suppress activity of bacteria, laser therapy. and a take-home rinse. In severe cases, an oral DNA test may be recommended to test for 13 disease-causing bacteria. Each patient's gingivitis therapy session may be custom-tailored, dependent on the location(s) and severity of the gum disease. If the gum disease becomes irreversible, periodontal therapy, our in-house treatment for periodontal disease, is recommended.

We can treat periodontal disease right here in our office using the latest therapeutic options. Our dental hygienists can help get your gums healthy by treating them with gingivitis or periodontal therapy. Our hygienists will work to clean out the pockets around the teeth and tip the scales back in the favor of healthy gums.

Advanced Periodontal Disease

In some cases, due to bacteria or infection, a more serious treatment is needed. This stage is considered advanced periodontal disease.

LANAP (Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure), which is a minimally invasive method of treating advanced gum disease. The LANAP procedure can be a welcomed option when more serious treatment is needed and avoid you a trip to the specialist for a more invasive surgery. 

LANAP is a favorable treatment to traditional gum surgery because of the gentle nature of the procedure. A patient will be seen for treatment and within a few short hours be on the recovery path. Many patients have reported faster healing times, minimized bleeding and bad breath, little to no gum recession and reduced gum inflammation upon healing. 

Want more info? Click the button below to watch an animated video to see how LANAP Therapy is performed with the PerioLase Laser. Dr. Alyssa Perlick at our partnering practice, Glacier Dental in Oshkosh, WI is licensed to perform LANAP and will see any referrals from Dr. Alex Long. 

For more information, please call us and schedule an appointment to see if LANAP Therapy is the right choice for you. 
LANAP video animation

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